Sunday, December 30, 2012

Oh, hi!

I know what you’re thinking…”NOT ANOTHER WEIGHT LOSS BLOG OMG!” I hope mine will be different. I mean, I’m funny. At least I think I am, anyways.

So a bit about me: My name is Chani. I’m 27, married, and live in Ohio with my husband and extremely obese orange tabby cat (think Garfield, but possibly fatter). I’m a social worker by day and spy by night…ok just kidding, but wouldn’t that be awesome? I work with children and adolescents with mental health issues and every day is something new and interesting. Mostly, it makes me want to drink a lot.

I have been overweight since I was about 6. I was the skinniest freaking baby/kid ever, but at 6 it seemed that my body was like OKAY TIME TO BE FAT and I’ve been that way ever since. It probably didn’t help that I am also pretty introverted and would rather stay in and read a book than work out. To a certain extent, I’m still that way.

Middle and high school were, in general, horrible years of my life, body-wise. I’m just going to skip ages 12-17. College wasn’t a cake walk either, but things got really bad for me in graduate school. I lost 40 lbs very quickly using some extremely bad for you methods – excessive exercise, restricting, purging…I went through treatment for “disordered eating” and still have to be very careful about how “obsessive” I get with food and eating.

December 2011: diagnosed with insulin resistance. Basically, my body hates carbs (which is super sad because I LOVE THEM) so I have to be super careful about how many carbs a day I eat. I take Metformin to help me control my insulin. I would like to be clear though – I’m not diabetic! My sugar has always been perfectly fine. Apparently my body just doesn’t use insulin efficiently enough. The endocrinologist explained it to me, but my eyes started to glaze over a few sentences in. I also see a dietician every now and then for assistance. It’s sometimes helpful…mostly she tells me what I already know…herp derp.

I’ve been using Beachbody products now for a few months and they have been really helpful. I’m a huge fan of Shakeology, mostly because it tastes like it shouldn’t be good for you…but it is! I also own a couple of the workout videos. I don’t use them as often as I should, but I really enjoy them! I also have a fabulous, supportive, amazing coach - Amanda. If you have questions about products or nutrition or fitness in general, contact her! This girl knows her stuff :)

I hope that this blog can showcase my victories and setbacks, give inspiration and recipes, and show that I’m DETERMINED to not quit. Not this time.

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