Sunday, February 24, 2013

Checkin' in!

Hi readers!

I hope all is well. Things have been going pretty well for me, I think I'm finally getting used to this. I'm on day 12 of the PSMF and have been in ketosis the entire time. I'm learning what I can and cannot eat (apparently I CANNOT eat sugar free Werther's...ugh, poor tummy), and my body seems to favor eggs/egg whites, low fat cheese, chicken, cottage cheese, and roast beef. Which I guess it good, because that's pretty much all I can eat, haha.

The supplements still give me I'm not sure which one it is (calcium? magnesium? potassium?) but holy crap (LITERALLY). Friday and Saturday were rough...I swear I spent half those days in the bathroom. I've been drinking tons of water, but still. I've also got some heartburn.

I'm down 12 lbs though! I managed to get my 20 lb reward purse! Well, I bought the purse last weekend but wouldn't let myself use it until now. I'm not sure what my next reward will be though.

I meant to write a really long post, but...I'm exhausted! I promise I will write more later :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Chani!!

    I was talking to Ilona yesterday and she mentioned that you two are neighbors! She was telling me about you blog and I was so interested in your journey, I'm here checking it out. I'm so inspired, too. I think what you're doing is amazing and you're doing everything so healthfully, which is incredibly admirable. It seems like you're taking a multi-faceted approach to weight loss and making some really insightful realizations too. As of this week I've decided to get healithier too - I work as an RN at UNC-Chapel Hill and while it's a great job, the hours are nuts and it's easy to fall into a bad eating pattern and make excuses not to go to the gym. I'll be reading your blog and feeling inspired to get healthy too!! Can't wait to read about all the wonderful things that are in store for you!! Also, Ilona and I have been talking about me coming out to visit her this summer. Would love to see you too and reconnect! POWER TO YOU GIRL!!!
