Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Day 1

Day 1 is done! How did I fare?

I was starving. Like, all day. I enjoyed all the food I ate (loved the salmon, mmm) but I ate breakfast around 8:30 and was hungry again by 10...but I didn't eat again until 11:30! I had a snack around 4:15 and dinner at 10:45 (thanks, work...sucking the life out of me). If I could add a snack in the morning, I don't think it would be too bad.

I didn't feel too different taking any of the headaches from Oxygenize or anything. I actually had a headache this morning, but I also had some insane sinus pressure. That went away after some vigorous nose blowing. I tried to drink a lot of water (and I did...hello, 15 glasses of water...I also PEED ALL DAY) to see if I was dehydrated or hungry, but...nope, just hungry.

Alkalize tasted gross. One of my clients also pointed out that it "looks like the color of really nasty baby poop". I basically took that one as a shot...I learned SOMETHING from college! I felt a little sick to my stomach after that one, to be honest, but then I ate my apple (and peanut butter) and felt better.

What's gotten me for a lot of today is the COLD. I know that being cold was to be expected, but I'm talking full body shivers all day. My nailbeds are turning blue. Granted, it's also cold as balls here...but I normally get get a little warm. 2 shirts, a sweater, 2 pairs of socks...still freezing.

Looking forward to seeing what tomorrow will bring! I am exhausted so I'm going to bed.

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